If you're willing to shell out the Farm Bucks, you can combine an "Economy" level Log Cabin with a "Deluxe" Log Cabin to form a much larger home. Whether the home is actually larger or it's just an optical illusion will be up to you, but when you place an Economy Log Cabin next to a Log Cabin Deluxe, you'll form one much larger Log Cabin, fit for all of your virtual farmer's needs. The only catch? An Economy Log Cabin costs at least 28 Farm Bucks, while a Deluxe model costs at least 44 Farm Bucks, depending on the color you choose.
Still, if you're already willing to purchase these buildings for individual use on your farms, this helpful design tip is definitely something to keep in mind. I mean, just look at the final product when you combine three (see at right)! Not only will you earn tons of XP for simply purchasing the building, but you'll have one of the coolest looking structures on your farm, so make sure to purchase these cabins (if you're interested) before they expire in 15 days.